– Students of grade 1 to grade 12 of Vietnam Australia International School

– Group registration, minimum of 2 members up to maximum of 10 members each group

– Groups can be formed by mixed grades students


Student groups participating in “VASers for Community” shall plan their community-related projects in Vietnam. The most impressive and feasible program shall be funded and supported for its implementation by the Organizer during school year 2018-2019.

1. Assigned areas for community projects:activities to support developing knowledge/ education/ attitude, awareness and behavior, environment protection, projects for arts/ creativity for the community, charity for children/ the elderly/ the handicap, etc….

2. Projects to be considered for funding:

  1. Further development of 2016 & 2017 community projects: VASers for Community 2016 & 2017 finalists can apply for supporting fund, under the conditions that the project has been implemented and continues into school year 2018-2019.
  2. New projects: Students groups develop new community projects and apply for funding. The new projects must be in line with areas assigned above.

3. Submission form and regulations:

– Online submission via the link

– Language: Vietnamese or English

– A valid project shall contain the following mandatory contents:

  1. Campus <BTH, HVT, Sunrise, GHs, TCV, PXL>
  2. Level <Primary, Secondary, Highschool>
  3. Class
  4. Project name
  5. Project leader
  6. Members name
  7. Objectives of project
  8. Target audiences
  9. Detail proposal & Communication Plan
  10. Budget projection
  11. Fund raising plan
  12. A video of maximum 5 minutes to explain the reasons why your project should be funded

4. Other regulations:

– Each group register for 1 project. Each student can join only 1 group.

– The projects must be originally proposed and developed by student groups without any copying from available projects. Participating groups are responsible for all information proposed in the project.

– Supporters:

  1. Campus Academic Assistants support the communication between student groups and the Organizers.
  2. Campus having selected project shall arrange teachers/ staffs to support the student group to work in collaboration with the Organizers to implement the project.


1. Applications and funding results:

– 26/09/2018 – 03/10/2018: Groups sends request for account creation on VAS blog

– 04/10/2018 – 08/10/2018: The Organizers create and provide accounts for groups

– 09/10/2018 – 31/10/2018: Groups submit community projects via

– 01/11/2018 – 15/11/2018: The Organizers select online projects

– 30/11/2018: Announcement of selected projects and the amount of funds allocated for each project

2. Project implementation:

– The organizers shall discuss in detail with the funded groups for further advice before the students implement their projects.

– Projects with additional fundraising activities have to be carried out before 08/05/2019 and inform the Organizers of their fundraising results.

– Funded projects must be completed before 08/05/2019.

3. Post-project report:

– 08/05/2019 – 15/05/2019: Project groups report, make project assessment with the Organizers, review the results and discuss plans to maintain and develop the project in the coming time.


1. Funds granted:

– The Organizers and Judge Panel can select more than one projects for funding and supporting implementation.

– The total budget for funding is up to 100 million VND

2. Selecting criteria:

Project feasibility and relevance

– Feasibility of the project in terms of its practicality and relevance for the community

Influence on the community

– The level of the project’s impact on and responses from the young people and the community

Creative methods of message delivery

– The delivery of the message of the project to the community can be in the forms of video clips, books, images, etc.… The more creative and inspirational the delivering method is, the higher appreciation it gets.

High ability to raise fund (if any)

– This is an optional criterion. However, any group can present fundraising method and ability to raise fund for their project will gain additional points for this

Please download the forms for doing community project here:

– Form of Proposal Application for funding

– Form of Budget Projection